Global Awakening Theological Seminary (GATS)
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"It's not just about teaching revival history, it's about training and equipping revival leaders." ~Connie Dawson
Global Awakening Theological Seminary Students and Faculty on a Mission Trip to Brazil

Training and equipping a global community of believers empowered to awaken the world.
Studying the WORD of God
To gain the HEART of God
To demonstrate the POWER of God
Get to Know Global Awakening Theological Seminary
One of the greatest privileges and joys of my life is to be a professor for Global Awakening Theological Seminary (GATS).
Currently, I teach three Master level courses on Church and Revival History from the New Testament to the Reformation, from the Reformation to 1900, and from 1900 to the present. I also teach a survey of 2,000 years of Christian History for the doctoral program.
GATS was launched in 2016 by Dr. Randy Clark, president and founder of Global Awakening, in response to God’s call to build a seminary to preserve the fruit to revival and equip ministers and leaders for the global harvest. GATS is unique in that it seeks to offer a solid, biblically based education while training and equipping students experientially in the school of the Spirit.
At GATS, we view the Bible and Christian history from a Continuationist perspective, meaning that the gifts of the Spirit and the ministry of Jesus as seen in the Gospels was meant to be active in all believers throughout the church age.
GATS is fully accredited through the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) and is one of the fastest growing seminaries in the nation. GATS offers Master’s degrees in Bible, Ministry, Evangelism and Pastoral ministry, as well as a Master of Divinity (in Bible and ministry concentrations) and a pre-doctoral MDiv for those who plan to continue their education by pursuing a doctorate degree. All Master classes are available online with no on campus requirements making our degrees accessible for people established in careers and ministries no matter their location. All Master classes consist of live Zoom classroom sessions, recorded lectures, videos, asynchronous discussion boards, academic reading, research and writing. Each course covers the material of a traditional 16-week semester in eight weeks, making it possible for students to complete their studies in a timely manner.
GATS also offers accredited Doctor of Ministry (DMin) and Doctor of Theology (ThD) degrees in Renewal Studies. To meet ABHE accreditation standards, two on campus intensives in Mechanicsburg, PA are required for doctoral degrees. These are offered, one in the spring and one in the fall. The intensives are in addition to the 16-week course requirements, which include Zoom classes, lectures, videos, academic reading, research, and writing. The DMin requires a ministry project at the completion of the program, and the ThD requires a dissertation that makes an academic contribution to the advancement of Renewal History and Theology.
To learn more about GATS, please click on the links below.
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