It's All About Love!
God is releasing miracles, and He has one just for you!
God has moved throughout Christian history in powerful and amazing ways.
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Because of His great love, He desires a deeper and more meaningful relationship with you beyond anything you can imagine!! Once you begin to grasp the height, length, depth, and breadth of the Love of God that surpasses knowledge, your life is changed, and you are never the same. Just one touch of the power of His love can change your life and destiny forever. This Christian life is all about love. I pray that you have the boldness and courage to give God your YES.

An interview with Dr. Randy Clark
founder of Global Awakening and president of Global Awakening Theological Seminary
A Little About Me . . .
Revival is in my spiritual DNA!
I was born and raised in Christian culture where I experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit from my earliest memories. Called to preach as a little girl, God marked my life for ministry. I have seen God move mighty – heal stage four cancer, add inches to a child’s height, dissolve metal, instantly deliver people from bondages, and set captives free. I’ve seen God perform financial miracles, restore tragically broken relationships, and transform seemingly impossible circumstances into testimonies of triumph. I know first-hand that with God, all things are possible!!

In 1996, as a seminary student,
I took a pilgrimage with other seminary students and professors to experience the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, FL. Although I had many powerful encounters in the presence of God throughout my life, nothing prepared me for the manifest presence of God I experienced during the revival era of the second half of the 1990s. During this season of my life, I resigned from my healthcare career and followed the call of God to train and equip believers to carry the manifest presence of God and help others experience His power and presence.
I specialize in focusing on how God moved through individuals and movements by the power of the Holy Spirit through the centuries. I have an MA in Theology and a Master of Divinity in the New Testament from Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in the Philippines. In that international setting, I studied with students from 32 nations and gained an appreciation for how the Holy Spirit of God moves in different cultures around the globe. I also have a PhD in Renewal (revival) history and theology from Regent University. My doctoral dissertation was on the Life and Ministry of John Wimber. Wimber, recognized as the fountainhead of the Third Wave movement in the 20th century, was instrumental in reshaping the expression of Pentecostal and Evangelical Christianity. He may be best known for developing a successful model to train and equip the saints to do the miracles, signs, and wonders that Jesus commissioned his church to do what He did in his earthly ministry.

Today, I teach revival and church history from the New Testament to the present for Global Awakening Theological Seminary.
As children of God, we are one with Jesus, who has called, anointed, and empowered us to continue his works and do even greater things!
My calling and purpose are to train and equip leaders for the global harvest and help the church know who they are in Christ, activate the gifts of God within them, and boldly act on what they’ve been given to see and experience God's miracle-working power and transform lives for eternity.