Training And Equipping
For A Global Harvest

As a professor of Revival and Church History and a person who has lived and breathed revival for the majority of my life, I love teaching about revivals of the past, igniting the fire of revival in the hearts of my students in the present and empowering them to be a carrier of revival fire to the nations!! Serving as a missionary for a decade of my life, God put a love for the world in my heart, and pastoring for 13 years gave me a greater love for the Body of Christ and a passion for every new creation believer to know who they are in Christ, who Christ is in them, and what God desires to do through every believer. Now is our time to act on the Commission we've been given -- and see the amazing things our God will do!!

For almost 30 years, God has given me the incredible privilege of preaching the gospel and training and equipping leaders for the global harvest.
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God called me to preach when I was a little girl. Preaching the good news of God's love and grace that comes to us through the Finished Work of Jesus is one of the greatest joys of my life. Preaching, teaching, impartation, activation, delivering a prophetic word, seeing the sick healed, watching God perform miracles of all kinds and training and equipping the Body of Christ to do the stuff Jesus did. THAT's what it's all about!!
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, with 150 million people in a small land mass. 92% of that population is Muslim, while Christians account for only .30% of the overall population. God has given me the opportunity to minister to the women of this nation. As an oppressed people group, God is calling his women to arise and use their hands and their voices to make a difference for the Kingdom in their nation.
Global School of Supernatural Ministries is a training and equipping school of Global Awakening. GSSM is a two-year, on-site (Mechanicsburg, PA) school with a third-year residential option. I love teaching revival history to these exceptional emerging leaders preparing to ignite their world with revelation, truth, and expressions of God's love in the world. These students learn how to effectively pray for the sick, set the oppressed free, and see God heal the hurts and wounds of broken hearts and lives.
In 1984, John Wimber partnered with the Anglican Church revival leaders to start an annual conference called "New Wine." This is a charismatic expression of the traditional Anglican Church of England. In 2023, I was honored to speak at the 30th anniversary of the New Wine conference, which continues to follow in the traditions of signs, wonders, and miracles they learned from John Wimber.
In 1984, John Wimber partnered with the Anglican Church revival leaders to start an annual conference called "New Wine." This is a charismatic expression of the traditional Anglican Church of England. In 2023, I was honored to speak at the 30th anniversary of the New Wine conference, which continues to follow in the traditions of signs, wonders, and miracles they learned from John Wimber.
During our ten years in Asia, we served on the campus of the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS), a magnet seminary for 32 nations. I had the privilege of working and studying with people from a vast cultural background, which gave me a burning heart for the nations. While in the Philippines, I ministered in churches and conferences throughout the Asia Pacific rim.
For five years, we served as missionaries in China, teaching in Bible schools and training and equipping church leaders. Despite China being a closed country to the Gospel, it's heartening to see that it has one of the fastest-growing numbers of Christians in the world. Training and equipping ministers for this vast harvest field is one of the nation's greatest needs. We also built elementary schools, providing educational facilities in poor, rural areas for over 200 children. Thanks to our generous supporters, we provided necessary school supplies, coats, and shoes each year for children who otherwise would not have received an education.
In 1984, John Wimber partnered with the Anglican Church revival leaders to start an annual conference called "New Wine." This is a charismatic expression of the traditional Anglican Church of England. In 2023, I was honored to speak at the 30th anniversary of the New Wine conference, which continues to follow in the traditions of signs, wonders, and miracles they learned from John Wimber.
In 1984, John Wimber partnered with the Anglican Church revival leaders to start an annual conference called "New Wine." This is a charismatic expression of the traditional Anglican Church of England. In 2023, I was honored to speak at the 30th anniversary of the New Wine conference, which continues to follow in the traditions of signs, wonders, and miracles they learned from John Wimber.
In 1984, John Wimber partnered with the Anglican Church revival leaders to start an annual conference called "New Wine." This is a charismatic expression of the traditional Anglican Church of England. In 2023, I was honored to speak at the 30th anniversary of the New Wine conference, which continues to follow in the traditions of signs, wonders, and miracles they learned from John Wimber.
Dr. Vinson Synan (1934-2020) was the preeminent historian of Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in the 20th Century. Dr. Synan was the dean of the School of Divinity at Regent University and also served as the chairman of my PhD dissertation committee, on which I wrote the biography of John Wimber. Dr. Synan and his wife, Carol Lee, invited me to live in their home during my doctoral intensives for the six years of academic studies at Regent. Dr. Synan was like a father to me. I am so thankful for all that he taught me about history, teaching, and most of all, about loving people. He was a role model par excellence.
"Jesus didn't come to show us what God looks like with skin on. He came to show us what we can be like with God inside us."
~ Connie Dawson
Three Waves Of The Spirit In The 20th Century
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